Friday, April 3, 2009


The concert was great last night, I'm so proud of all of you. I was glad to direct the "fun songs". (and thanks for clapping so loud when I was introduced, I love being everybody's favorite.) Ladies the ballad was just as beautiful as it was at practice. I wish I had had the honor of directing that piece. All that hard work really paid off. I missed the boys first song because I had to run out to my car for a T-Shirt for Dillon. Arg. but it was a good show and the boys were even a good audience for the ladies. The singing streaks were cute. I wish there had been a dancy choir at my Junior High :( back in the olden days...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Joes

OMG! choir filedtrips= craziness. The boys did a nice job at Happy Joes and had fun sharing and playing the games, to be honest I'd say they handled that priviledge better than the girls did. I just felt so bad for the employees. The girls sang so beautifully at rehearsal this afternoon and did a great job remembering all the choreography. I can't wait for the festival tonight. Be there at 6:45!... or else. :)